DuPont Microcircuit Materials introduced an advanced suite of silver-bearing thick film paste conductors to enable In-Mold Electronic devices.
The new conductors ME102, ME604, and ME614 have key advancements to improve thermoformability, conductivity, and fine line performance. These offerings enable high productivity, improved mechanical and electrical properties allowing extended freedom in the electronic design of In-Mold Electronics devices.
These devices include next-generation LiDAR systems for autonomous driving or touch steering wheels with transparent 3D-shaped surfaces for enhanced user experience.
Key advancements of the new ME range include:
ME102 as a highly conductive thick film conductive paste for antennae, heater, and RFID functions
ME604 as a general-purpose thick film conductive paste with improved thermoformability and conductivity
ME614 thick film conductive paste with added laser ablation property for very fine line applications

“This innovative new offering demonstrates a range of superior technical properties to meet different customer requirements. We are excited to introduce the ME product range to the market globally and expect a positive impact in accelerating the wider adoption of the emerging In-Mold Electronics technology”, said Peter Weigand, global automotive segment manager, DuPont Microcircuit Materials.
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