Electronic Textiles & Skin Patches: Hardware & Software
13-14 October 2021
Virtual Event

The agenda will examine the latest developments in electronic textiles (e-textiles) covering basic components to integration techniques to software design platform and, of course, to increasinly role of data science in making sense of e-textile generated data in health, object recognition, etc. The event brings together brand owners and OEMS, promising start-ups, and leading voices in the research community.
The co-located agenda will be announced soon. It will likely include GE Heatlthcare, Siemens, Jabil, Microsoft, Williot, Ypsomed, Neurosoft, ZSK, Myant, DiPulse, Mas Holding, Sony, Trelleborg, Medtronics, Sony, Abbott, imec, Holst, Henkel, DuPont, Quad Industries, Wise SRL, Eastprint, Mekoprint, InnovationLab, Joanneum Research, Liquid Metal, nutromics, IDUN Technologies, Screentec, Loomia, Uni of California, University of Newcastle, Robert Sauvé Research Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, General Silicones Co., Ltd. , etc