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Display Innovations Day

31 July 2025
2pm - 8pm

Berlin Time

Virtual Event
Confirmed speakers include:

Agenda is work in progerss

This curated one-day online event highlights key innovations in display technology with a specific focus on AI in displays, micro-displays, AR/VR displays and Micro-Optics.

Our team will curate the program, handpicking innovative approaches and developments from industry and research, from major companies to new start-ups, thereby representing the entire innovation frontier.

This event is organized as a series of short technology introductions followed by Q&A in a highly interactive online environment.

The event is part of MicroLED Connect, AV/VR Connect and TechBlick series.

The event is highly recommended for anyone interested in microLED, AR/VR display, and micro-optics technologies.

If you are interested in being considered for an online presentation at this event, please fill out this form.

Full Agenda

Agenda is work in progerss

Track 1
Track 2
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