Advances & Challenges for Commercialization of Perovskite Solar Cells

Yulia Galagan
Associate Professor
National Taiwan University

The interest in perovskite photovoltaics has significantly increased over the last few years. High power conversion efficiencies (PCE) and low-cost manufacturing make perovskite PVs a very promising candidate for future applications. Despite the very advantageous features of perovskite materials, several issues still need to be solved before the commercialization of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The main challenges of bringing perovskite technologies to the market are (i) scaling-up of the cells and modules dimension, (i) usage of lead in the perovskite solar panels, and (iii) stability of the PSC modules. These three challenging topics will be discussed in the presentation, and possible solutions to overcome these issues will be proposed. The implementation of the proposed measures will help to demonstrate the feasibility of high-volume production. It is an important milestone towards the industrial manufacturing of perovskite photovoltaics and their future commercialization.