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The Future of Photovoltaics: Organic, Perovskites, CIGS, Tandem

24-25 January 2024
Online Event
Confirmed speakers
American Perovskites
National Reseach Centre of Canada
University of Colorado Boulder
Brilliant Matters
North Carolina State University
University of Manchester
Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH
OET - Organic Electronic Technologies P.C.
Verde Technologies Inc
Empa-Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research
Verico Technology Holdings Inc
crystalsol OÜ
Halocell Energy
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Pixel Voltaic
Toray Research Center
InterPhases Solar
Ribes Tech
Solaires Entreprises
Taiwan Perovskite Solar Corp

We examine the latest technical and commercial development trends in perovskite, organic, tandem, CIGS and other next-gen photovoltaic technologies. The conference is a balanced blend of discussions on manufacturing, research and R&D as well as start-up innovations.  It aims to bring together all key players from researchers to start ups to manufacturing companies. It covers all aspects including manfuacturing, stability, performance, novel materials, promising production methods such as printed or R2R, new form factors, novel applications beyond utility. The scope of the event is very international with a speaker programme curated and handpicked by the TechBlick team. If you wish to present in the programme please contact

More events on the topic:

The Future of Photovoltaics 2021

The Future of Photovoltaics 2022

Some of the confirmed speakers thus far include Kaust, American Perovskites LLC, InterPhases Solar, Empa, University of Colorado Boulder, Greatcell Energy, Perotech, n-ink, University of Stuttgart, Solaires Entreprises, University of Manchester, North Carolina State University, Taiwan Perovskite Solar Corp, Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research, Ribes Tech, Verico Technology, Verde Technologies Inc, Caelux, Epishine etc

Perovskites | Organics | CIGS | Tandem | R2R | Inkjet | Printed | Thin Film Deposition | Scale-Up | Stability | Thin Film Barriers | Material Innovations | Substrates | Lead-Free | AI and Machine Learning | Commercialization

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