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SMART Industry Day 2023

MAY 2023
5 Minute preview of all the event presentations

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8:00 am

Welcome by Karen Plaut, Executive Vice President for Research and Partnership, Purdue University

8:05 am

SMART Overview by Ali Shakouri

8:08 am

​New Initiatives by Mustafa Hussain

CHIPS Act: Purdue and SMART responses

8:15 am

Key applications areas

Linnes, Verma, Stanciu, Rahimi, C.-H Lee, H. Lee

SMART faculty present their review of recent advances, key gaps and emerging opportunities in three applications.
•    Precision point-of-care diagnostic devices (DNA, viruses, etc.)
•    Low-cost sensors for digital agriculture and food quality and safety
•    Printing technology enabled healthcare devices (wearables, implantables)
•    Industry Feedback: applications pull

​9:15 am

Common technologies

Cakmak, Alam, Mohammadi and Hussain

  • Baselines for R2R Printed Electronics: one of the first projects is to print hundreds of antennas, RFID and capacitor structures. Their material and process can be changed as needed for similar volume and neck-to-neck comparison for rapid prototyping to mid-scale volume production

  • Common Platform Technology: integrated system solutions for sensing: networking/ communication, RF powering/capacitor storage•

  • Data analytics: reliable sensing in uncertain and harsh environment

  • Industry Feedback: partnership opportunities

9:45am -10:00am  Break

​10:00 am

NSF / AnalytixIN AI in Manufacturing update

Shakouri and Alam

  • AI Commons (privacy-preserving ML and data aggregation to improve manufacturing resiliency and competitiveness)

  • TinyML sensors (edge analytics for real-time productivity monitoring and anomaly detection)

  • IoT workshops for industry (low-cost open-source IoT solutions for SMEs)


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