Quantum Dots: Material Innovations and Commercial Applications
30 Nov - 1 Dec 2022
1pm - 9pm
Virtual Event
This event will highlight the latest commercially impactful developments and innovations in quantum dot (QD) technology. The event will consider material advances in developing stable and efficient QDs for LCD, OLED, QLED, microLEDs Lighting, NIR/SWIR QD/CMOS Sensing, and Solar applications. It considers the full range of existing and emerging chemistry advances including perovskites and other novel compositions. It highlights progress in application development across fields by bringing unique OEM talks. Finally, one can learn about the latest technology roadmaps and market forecasts. This event will be part of the TechBlick online event series and will be specifically co-located with an event on "Mini- and Micro-LED Displays: Manufacturing Innovations, Applications, Promising Start-ups, Markets.
Quantum Dots | Perovskites | MicroLEDs | MiniLEDs | color Converters | X-Ray Imagers | SWIR Imagers | NIR Imagers | QD-CMOS Imagers | Printing | EHD Printing | Transfer | Cd-Free | Stable | LCD | QD-OLED | QLED
Full Agenda
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