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Affordable Surface Lighting for Visual Interfaces through printed OLED technology | Innuru

Surface Lighting has the ability to change the world of design and change how we interact with products around us. It is a game changer for the printed electronics industry, since light and visual interfaces are becoming a part of any product. We are becoming completely depended on light as a indicator and design element, that communicates ambience, emotions, and statuses. Today Visual Interfaces have to be assembled through the hybrid electronics approach. LEDs are picked and placed and covered with light guides to achieve the target shape and form. Technologies like this maybe cheap to manufacture in mass, but they are hard to setup and to incorporate and any adjustment in shape requires additional setup costs and time. Surface lighting is paper-thin and thus has no space requirements. Affordable Surface Lighting technologies so far have been also accompanied with draw-backs of complex driving electronics, large size or lack of brightness. A technology that can meet all of this is OLED. OLED are made in process that are similar to the chip manufacturing industry. This makes them expensive in unit cost and even more in setup. Thus the dream of Light Everywhere, OLED Everywhere vanishes quickly on hard economical reality. Inuru has simplified the way OLEDs are manufactured by not taking the material into vacuum to to evaporate them, but taking the molecules and printing them. We are utilizing state of the art ink-jet technology used for color printing today. The infrastructure we use for an output of 8M panels require a fracture of the space than conventional evaporation processes. The additive manufacturing of ink-jet allows us to save materials, reduce cost and print any shape in real time, on demand like color. We are 3D printing lighting on a nano-meter precision. This technology will revolutionize the electronics manufacturing and will open printed electronics industry to a wider audience.



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