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JetSelectiv®: Ultra-thin and eco-friendly selective metallization process

Speaker: Samuel Stremsdoerfer | Company: Jet Metal Technologies | Date: 9-10 March 2022 | Full Presentation

Jet Metal Technologies is a company created in 2007 in Lyon, France, that provides metallization turnkey solutions. The Jet

MetalTM technology uses the simultaneous spraying of 2 water-based solutions that instantly grows a very thin layer of metal directly

onto the surface thanks to a chemical oxidoreduction reaction. This metallization principle only requires spraying equipment at

ambient pressure and temperature. Due to the use of painting tools (booth, spraying gun, pump...), this unique technology perfectly

suits in-line production and can be considered as environmentally friendly as it only uses water-based solutions (CMR & solvent free)

but also no curing step.

Recently, a need has been identified concerning patterns metallization and so the Jet MetalTM traditional process evolved

towards selective metallization with the patented JetSelectiv® process, relying on the use of a negative mask applied with traditional

ink printing methods (screen printing, inkjet, flexography...) then removed during the metallization process to reveal fine metallic


Fig 1: Spraying technology to create a metallic film Fig 2: R2R JetSelectiv® process equipment

Regarding printed electronics, JetSelectiv® is particularly interesting as it deposits, without any curing step, a pure silver

layer that has a conductivity as high as 90% of silver’s bulk conductivity (63 MS/m). With a layer thickness varying from 10nm to 1μm,

sheet resistance can be as low as 40 mΩ/□, which covers most applications for printed electronics (signal tracks, LED powering,

electrodes...). For applications dealing with high-current, electroless or electrolytic plating thickening can be performed.

JetSelectiv® can produce very precise patterns, with a resolution under 20μm depending on the printing technique, which

can satisfy very high-demanding application such as metallic micromesh. While keeping its optical transparency, thin patterns can

be deposited to produce metamaterial that has frequency-selection capability for example. JetSelectiv® is also adapted to realize

sub-micron patterns to replace heavy lithography process for microelectronics application.

For industrial application, JetSelectiv® is adapted from sheet-to-sheet process to roll to roll process (R2R) which offer a

bunch of high outputs industrial options.

Current developments on radio-frequency subjects suggest that JetSelectiv® metallic pattern are relevant for some sub-

GHz application (RFID UHF tags notably with reading ranges similar to what traditional 9μm aluminum etched tags are capable of

but most importantly with future mmWave devices operating in the sub-100GHz domain. In fact, JetSelectiv® delivers thin, very

smooth and highly conductive patterns that can meet high frequency requirements.

Jet Metal pure silver coatings can be used for thermal insulation purposes as confirmed by its reflectivity that is greater than

97% in the IR spectrum. Also heating elements can be produce from various substrates including PET, polyimide films, leather or

even textile. Experiments made on Kapton® film showed that very high amount of heat can be generated (more than 7500 W/m2)

thus reaching very high temperature (greater than 380°C for instance). Micromesh patterns allows to achieve optically transparent

heating elements without compromising its performance.

Until now, Jet Selectiv® only applied to 2D substrates but recent developments led to the realization of selective metallization

onto 3D shaped films using thermoforming that can be part of a 3D injection part. Such process is currently in patent pending as it

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