UJIWARA REI | Panasonic Electronic Materials Business Division | fujiwara.rei@jp.panasonic.com
High-frequency devices, such as those used in beyond 5G and 6G technologies, require precise and reliable signal transmission for optimal performance. High-frequency signals are more susceptible to noise interference, which can degrade the quality and integrity of the transmitted data. Noise mitigation is crucial to ensure that the intended signal is accurately received and interpreted.
Traditionally, noise-absorbing materials have been used as an effective method of making noise. Noise absorbing materials are generally sheet or sponge type. However, these types are difficult to apply beyond5G/6G devices which become smaller and more complicated.
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To solve this problem, we propose a noise-absorbing paste. Dispensable material can be easily installed in narrow spaces, suppressing noise inside electronic devices used in beyond 5G/6G, and contributing to improved quality and performance.
Good conformability
High frequencies over 100GHz
Figure 1 Paste Noise Absorber
Table 1 Properties
Figure 2 Absorption vs frequency
Case 1: For solving cavity resonance.
Figure 3 MMIC on antenna module.
The radiation noise of MMIC resonating in the cavity affects the antenna characteristics. (Figure.3) Noise absorbing paste can be installed on small space, and attenuating cavity resonance.
Case 2: For solving noise radiation from board patterns.
Figure 4 Noise radiation from board patterns
Noise radiation from board patterns contaminates the antenna circuit and affects antenna characteristics. Noise-absorbing paste, which has insulation properties, can be installed on the circuit to solve noise radiation.
Author: Â OHARA TAKASHI | Panasonic Electronic Materials Business Division | ohara.tk@jp.panasonic.com