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Realizing Smart Surfaces with In-Mold Electronics

Speaker: Dave Rice | Company: TactoTek | Date: 10-11 March 2021 | Full Presentation

Brands increasingly use electronic functions and styling to delight their customers and reflect their design language. However, conventional electronics assemblies often come with design constraints and integration challenges that limit innovation. TactoTek develops and licenses in-mold structural electronics (IMSE™) technologies that merge mechanics and electronics into smart molded structures. IMSE parts deliver electronic functions in light, thin, 3D structures that are economically mass produced and environmentally friendly. TactoTek will introduce IMSE technology, discuss functional capabilities and key processes for making IMSE parts.

Dave Rice

SVP Marketing & Business Development @ TactoTek


Dave Rice leads marketing and product management at TactoTek®. He has built a career of transforming technology innovation into high value solutions for electronics and software markets for start-ups and mature public companies. He and his team engage prospects to identify market needs aligned with TactoTek’s in-mold structural electronics (IMSE™) technology, help focus internal technology development and collaborate with ecosystem partners for a full product solution.

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